Saturday, February 4, 2012

Need to Know - Keeping the brain functioning

Don't be a vegetable.  Use some of these ideas to keep the brain functioning or you could use a step by step program.  It is better to have someone helping you out.  Someone who has been there and knows what is required will help you to get back to your top condition like a physical trainer for your brain.  The activities that I laid out earlier should be taken on a regular basis.

The list of activities that will help you in the long run are as follows:

1.  Reading - Even reading the newspaper for 30 minutes in the morning during your breakfast is better than nothing at all.  However, reading a boring paper at work is not stimulating because you are not interested in the topic.

2. Keep good company - If you think your friends need some help in the brain department then you might want to find some new friends.  You are who you surround yourself with.

3. Keep physically fit - A quick run or using the stairs could be a good way to keep off the pounds slowing you down.  Skipping the morning doughnut will save pounds and money though.  You are what you eat.

4. Listen to music – I am listening to music as I write this.  It helps to keep my brain engaged when there is a lull in my writing.  I don't want my own brain to go to sleep.

By doing a few of these things or all of these things should help your brain to function well or you can use a program.  You will find that you are more alert, able to be more productive.  So get out there and exercise that brain. 

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